Oliver Farnworth, star of Emmerdale, who portrayed John Sugden in the enduring ITV soap opera, has provided an update on his well-known partner Samantha Womack’s struggle with breast cancer.
Oliver Farnworth, an Emmerdale actor, gave an update on his partner’s breast cancer journey during a tearful chat with Christine Lampard on ITV’s Lorraine.
Taking the discussion gently, Christine Lampard asked Samantha Womack how she was doing. The actor who played John Sugden, Oliver Farnworth, expressed his affection for his partner and complimented the Eastenders actress on her fortitude while undergoing treatment.
He reassured Christine, the guest host, that “She’s doing incredibly well,” and he said, admiringly, “I’m in awe of her,” kissing the camera affectionately.

Farnworth provided information on Samantha’s diagnosis in order to encourage women to have regular breast exams.
Oliver and his partner, who are both talented performers, started dating in 2019 following their West End production of “The Girl On The Train.” According to the Express, Samantha’s fight with breast cancer began in August 2022.
The actress praised Samantha for her incredible “strength” and “determination” in overcoming such a difficult obstacle while managing other facets of her life. As a gesture of support, he sent out a message of love and appreciation while planting another kiss in the direction of the camera.

The Emmerdale star said, “She’s been so kind of strong and determined through it,” expressing his appreciation for his girlfriend’s fortitude and tenacity during her cancer struggle. He remembered how, in spite of the fact that she was symptomless, her diagnosis was made during a standard check-up.
Oliver went on to describe their fortuitous early diagnosis, saying, “And we were very lucky because they detected quite a high grade of cancer and were able to deal with that quite quickly but she then went through the chemo and the radiotherapy.”

He also spoke of her fortitude in managing her last radio program, moving, and appearing in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, a West End production, all while receiving treatment.
Oliver emphasized the value of periodic check-ups and urged women to be on the lookout for any indicators at home in an attempt to increase awareness. Thankfully, his girlfriend’s cancer was found at a regular check-up.
After then, Christine gave information on the Lorraine campaign, Change and Check.
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